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文章來源: 蔡麗雲 博士
人類的神經系統是一個複雜且具有階層的構造。我們將神經系統分成兩類,中樞與週邊。中樞神經系統(CNS)是發出命令的中心,由大腦 (brain) 和脊椎 (spinal cord)組成。週邊神經系統(PNS)是中樞以外的神經組織,又分成⑴傳入神經(afferent _arrive CNS): 從週邊到中樞,又稱感覺神經元 (sensory neurons);⑵傳出神經(efferent _exit CNS): 從中樞到週邊,又稱運動神經元 (motor neurons)。
傳出神經又再細分為軀體與自律,⑴軀體神經系統 (somatic): 將CNS訊號傳給骨骼肌,受意志的控制,如身體移動、呼吸運動;⑵自律神經系統 (autonomic): 將CNS訊號傳給平滑肌、腺體、心肌,不受意志的控制。自律神經又分成: 交感神經、副交感神經、腸系膜神經。軀體與自律神經系統都有傳入神經元,提供內在、外在的訊息給CNS。
神經系統的最小單位_神經元 (neuron)
⑴ 細胞本體(cell body),是細胞核所在,神經元由此整合訊息並發出訊息。
⑵ 樹突(dendrites),是一群由細胞本體發出的樹狀突起,每一個神經元可以有數以百計的樹突。樹突可與其他神經元連接,並接收訊息傳送至神經元的cell body。
⑶ 軸突 (axon),將細胞本體的神經訊息傳至末端的突觸(synapse)。大部分的軸突都覆蓋著一層脂肪物質,稱為髓鞘(myelin),再以結締組織包裹在髓鞘之外,這種結構可以加速神經訊息的傳導。
兩個神經元之間以突觸 (synapse) 連結,前面的神經元釋放神經傳導物質 (neurotransmitter) 給後面的神經元,神經元之間藉由neurotransmitter傳遞訊息。
談到自律神經的結構,需要先知道自律神經的傳遞方式。軀體神經是以單一個神經元的方式傳遞訊息,而自律神經則是以兩個神經元前後傳遞的方式。前面的神經元稱為Preganglionic neuron (節前神經元): 其細胞體位在腦或脊髓中,具有髓鞘 (myelinated)不易漏電,因此神經訊號傳導比較快。後面的神經元稱為postganglionic neuron (節後神經元): 神經元的細胞體和樹突位於神經節,因不具有髓鞘 (Unmyelinated)神經訊號傳導比較慢。
Anatomy of sympathetic division
節前神經元有些需要經過交感神經鍊上的突觸(synapse)與節後神經元連結;有些節前神經元會往上或往下延伸再藉由synapse與節後神經元連結;另外有一類節前神經元不經由交感神經鍊,而是經由側枝神經節(collateral ganglia) 與節後神經元形成synapse。交感神經的傳遞模式是屬於一對多(neuronal divergence),目前知道一個節前神經元可以對應約20個節後神經元。因此中樞的訊號經過交感神經之後會被擴散,傳給許多器官。
Anatomy of parasympathetic division
副交感神經的節前神經元起自腦幹的第 3、7、9、10 等四對腦神經核和第 2、3、4 薦段脊髓,故為Craniosacral(顱薦起源)。副交感神經的傳遞模式也是屬於一對多(neuronal divergence),目前知道一個節前神經元可以對應約4個節後神經元,這個數目比交感神經要少了許多。所以,副交感神經的訊號傳遞比交感神經更加具有特異性。
神經傳遞物質和心肌細胞膜上接受器(receptor)之間的關係存在高度的專一性,就像鎖與鑰匙一樣(鎖鑰理論,Lock and Key Theory)。交感神經分泌正腎上腺素;副交感神經分泌乙醯膽鹼。因此,交感神經與副交感神經在心臟上面的接受器也不同,進一步的生理反應當然也會不同。
1. Johnson, J. O. (2013). Autonomic Nervous System Physiology. 208-217. doi:10.1016/b978-1-4377-1679-5.00012-0
2. Karemaker, J. M. (2017). An introduction into autonomic nervous function. Physiol Meas, 38(5), R89-R118. doi:10.1088/1361-6579/aa6782
3. Wehrwein, E. A., Orer, H. S., & Barman, S. M. (2016). Overview of the Anatomy, Physiology, and Pharmacology of the Autonomic Nervous System. Compr Physiol, 6(3), 1239-1278.    doi:10.1002/cphy.c150037


Shixin Hongshan cycle we are    all past guests, this life is just a practice, meet what, get what, in the dark of their own arrangements, life sometimes must have, life is always strong, fate is god, do not belong to your strong, can not stay your forever in today's Yan'an will share with you when the topic, life in the world only three grants, you can start today's program before, I hope you can click on the subscription and small bell
Your likes and comments are the biggest motivation for Ann. Thank you for your love, late-night reading because of you and wonderful, people live a lifetime, what is the most important? Some people think it is wealth, so most of their lives are on the run tired, early greedy black, some people think it is famous, so all the time with the snake, the fight, some people think it is status, In order to think about the      future calculation, you die I live, can busy to go after all is not their own experience more will understand, money again always do not take away, the name again big turn to become empty, then high but dream one, I have the following three, time is not light, others can not go is really in their own healthy body, life in the world, all floating clouds, only their own body can accompany themselves to the end. Today's rapid development of society, increasingly fierce competition, people's  living standards have been improved at the same time, health problems are increasingly prominent, the market continues to stimulate high consumption,
The great pressure of life makes many people in a state of tension and busyness for a long time, unsymfully concerned about their physical condition. Too many people are in a       sub-health state, in recent years due to overwork and sudden death of the news often appear, overworked death even become a familiar concept, it is clear that the problem of the epidemic is not serious, but people are always holding a lucky mentality, think that disease and death will only patronize others, so wanton profligacy of health, casual treatment of the body.
Many people think that when young is to pay more money, this is to give the family    more responsibility, but often ignore the most important  point, talent, career, money, health and health is the foundation, to get the first health is a responsibility, because health is not a person, it is a lover, parents, children, brothers and sisters of this big family, few people will think of this, so there are so many tragedies, even if there is pressure and factors,
But if you value and self-regulate, it will never be so serious. Before the variety of oops, good body is discussed by     many people, Yang Di as one of the guests, accompanied by his mother, once went to the  ophthalmology doctor, who knows just 30 years  old her, the eyeball is already 50 years old mentality, from the increase in workload in recent years, stay up late even axis turned into Yangdi's process, in order to work, contact lenses are basically a day, a long time the body naturally worse. 
In fact, many people are so one side of the pursuit of happiness, while it is in the life for money, I do not know, no healthy body, happiness is just an illusory bubble on the break, only cherish life, cherish the body, in order to live a better self. Life in the world, the only thing you can show off is a healthy body, it is the basic of all life, but also their only can grasp the happiness. Like Robert? What Owen said,
Human happiness can only be established on the    basis of physical health and spiritual peace, drowning hard work is important, but everything should be, but why not wake up after losing life, the original physical health is the greatest happiness, remember, with health, there is a happy and optimistic state of mind easy to say, gentleman with independence not afraid of no one has a good state of mind, can have a good life. I've seen this news before
A young man frowned all day and found the local Zen teacher in order to resolve the bitterness of his heart. After listening to the idea, the Zen master gave him a bowl full of water, and grabbed a salt into it, stirred to let him drink, until he finished drinking, Zen teacher asked, how does it taste? The young man's face wrinkled into a ball and answered, bitter and salty.  Then the Zen master took him to the lake, poured the bowl of water in, and gave her a taste. Zen teacher asked, this time how does it taste,
The young man always answers, the taste is sweet     glycol, at this time the Zen master said, in fact, the pain of life is like the salty taste of salt, just so much, and the degree of our feelings and  experiences, depends entirely on how much container we put it in, which has a profound meaning
See clearly the good or bad fish, the key is in Omega     three afraid of people, this life is like this bowl of water, sweet and bitter all look at us to add water, more optimistic positive sunshine life taste will naturally be sweet and comfortable, just like the first time in the "Dream of Red Mansions" in the examination of the two sections, The world knows the fairy good, only the name can not forget, ancient and modern will be where, a pile of grass is gone, the world knows the fairy good, only gold and silver can not forget, the final dynasty only hate gathered no more,
And at many o'm not enough, my eyes are closed. Life in the world, the mentality is undoubtedly a good medicine for life, not only can make people comfortable, but also can make the day more happy. Life is only one day, every  day is new, we do not let yesterday's confused tears affect today's line of sight, destroy today's  beautiful, affect today's mood, life will always have trouble, there will always be pain, we have to learn to see open, look away,  do not always think of sad people and things,
Life is not used to hurt the spring and autumn, but to pursue the good, A person's happiness is not  to have more, but to care less, for the limited life, acceptance is the best, kindness is yours, is yours, hard work, cherish, conscience, the other, to fate, there is a way, should live without a heart, life new Shun Zhu Shixiong heart is instant turn, lover's companion Hemingway once said that everyone needs people and he open-hearted talk,
A man may be very brave, but he may also be very lonely.  People live in this world, even if again strong, rich, there is always a fragile time, if there is a person can accompany around, bitter time to listen to you talk, lonely when you give you a hug, lost when giving comfort, is the greatest happiness in life. I remember once walking on the road, suddenly  saw a couple walking hand in hand, both of them are full of white hair, hobbled, but because of each other's help,
It's not that hard to walk. Passing by a flower bed,    the grandmother was attracted by the flowers inside, can't help but stop to watch, and grandpa stood next to him, eyes full of tenderness looked at him, the old lady looked at her husband said, so good-looking flowers, you don't look at me, see a lifetime has not seen enough, grandpa said, you are better than flowers, look at a lifetime, also did not see enough of this life, fortunately have you and rain.
Looking at such a picture, only to understand what is called companionship is the longest confession. As the old saying speaking,    young couples always come to accompany, the older the more will find the old Zhong Yang, especially people to old age, each other dependent on each other for their lives, take care of each other, this kind of companionship is no one can replace, people this life comes and verses, only the old companion is the most important wealth of your life.  Su Qin said, life does not need too much accompanying, what is needed is only a kind of companionship, because of care, so accompany,
Because of companionship, so cherish. People live a lifetime, there are too many things difficult to give up, but exhausted the pursuit of a lifetime of these, in the end are actually just over the clouds. Mr. Ji said that everyone strives  for a perfect life , but since ancient times and now , there is no 100% perfect life at home and abroad . In this case, see clearly is not as good as can see clearly, regardless of the vicissitudes of the world, the turn of the years, as long as keep these three kind of burning, girlfriends sleep together.
2021.03.06 Saturday
23:52   Shixin Hongshan cycle people walk in the world, who will have trouble, who will have pressure, a lot of things we can't help but choose, the mentality can only mediate on their own, as long as physical and mental health, energy, so that the day is filled with hope, believe that a little work a harvest, then plain life, will be colorful.
In fact, the happiness of life, is a feeling, a state of mind, happiness and depression, are determined by the mentality, do not be frustrated by a momentary will;
Don't just be busy making money regardless of  healthy body and mind, money is just a thing outside the body, life does not bring death do not take, as long as an old peace and security, is happiness, is the greatest luck. To know how many people walk in the world, how much to worry about, how much trouble! Good night!
Sunday 2021.03.07
05:29  Natural at your own
The return of light is at your own
The heart of the outside world is external
Feel at home, the mind is always wise
The outer mood is long and persistent
Wisdom in Hui Kai does not hinder
Sticking to the barrier is often self-descisive
14:34 Shixin Hongshan Cycle The important Shixin Hongshan Cycle of Health
We are all guests, this life is just a practice, meet what, get     what, in the dark in their own arrangements, life sometimes must have, life is always strong, fate is god, do not belong to your strong, can not stay belong to your forever today will be shared with you when the topic, life in the world only three grants, you start today's program, I hope you can click on the subscription and small bell, your comments are the greatest motivation. Thank you for your love, you and wonderful, people live a lifetime, what is the most important? Some people think it is wealth, so most     of my life is running tired, early greedy black, some people think is famous, so all the time with the snake, the fight, some people think is the status, so for the future at all  costs, you die I live, can busy to go after all is not their own experience will understand,
Money no more always take away, name again big turn into a empty seat, no more high but dream one,  I have the following three, time is not light, others can not take away is really belong to their own healthy body, life in the world, everything floating clouds, only their own body can accompany themselves to the end. Today's rapid development of society, increasingly fierce competition, people's  living standards have been improved at the same time, health problems are increasingly prominent, the market continues to stimulate high consumption,
The great pressure of life makes many people in a state of tension and busyness for a long time, unsymfully concerned about their physical condition. Too many people are in a       sub-health state, in recent years due to overwork and sudden death of the news often appear, overworked death even become a familiar concept, it is clear that the problem of the epidemic is not serious, but people are always holding a lucky mentality, think that disease and death will only patronize others, so wanton profligacy of health, casual treatment of the body.
Many people think that when young is to pay more money, this is to give the family    more responsibility, but often ignore the most important point, talent, career, money, health and health is the foundation, to get the first health is a responsibility, because health is not a person, it is a lover, parents, children, brothers and sisters of this family, few people will think of this, so there are so many tragedies, even if there is  pressure and the factors of last, but if they have attention and self-regulation, will not be so serious. Before the variety of oops, good body is discussed by many people, Yang Di as one of the guests, accompanied by his  mother, once went to the      ophthalmology doctor, who knows just 30 years old her, the eyeball is already 50 years old mentality, from the increase in workload in recent years, stay up late even axis turned into Yangdi's process, in order to work, contact lenses are basically a day, a long time the body naturally worse. 
In fact, many people are so one side of the pursuit of happiness, while it is in the life for money, I do not know, no healthy body, happiness is just an illusory bubble on the break, only cherish life, cherish the body, in order to live a better self. Life in the world, the only thing you can show off is a healthy body, it is the basic of all life, but also their only can grasp the happiness. Like Robert? What Owen said,
Human happiness can only be established on the    basis of physical health and spiritual peace, drowning hard work is important, but everything should be, but why not wake up after losing life, the original physical health is the greatest happiness, remember, with health, there is a happy and optimistic state of mind easy to say, gentleman with independence not afraid of no one has a good state of mind, can have a good life. I've seen this news before
A young man frowned all day and found the local Zen teacher in order to resolve the bitterness of his heart. After listening to the idea, the Zen master gave him a bowl full of water, and grabbed a salt into it, stirred to let him drink, until he finished drinking, Zen teacher asked, how does it taste? The young man's face wrinkled into a ball and answered, bitter and salty.  Then the Zen master took him to the lake, poured the bowl of water in, and gave her a taste. Zen teacher asked, this time how      the taste, young people always answer, taste sweet glycol, at this time Zen teacher said, in fact, the pain of life is like salt salt, so much, and the extent of our feelings and experience, depends entirely on how much we put it in the container, which has a profound meaning, the key is in life,  this life is like this bowl of water, sweet and sour Bitter all look at us to add  water, more optimistic positive sunshine life taste will naturally be sweet and comfortable, just like the "Dream of Red Mansions" the first time in the examination of the two sections said, the world is good,  only the name can not forget, ancient and modern will be where, a pile of grass is gone, the world knows the fairy good, Only gold and silver can't forget, finally hate to gather a lot, and to a lot of time eyes closed. Life in the world, the mentality is undoubtedly a good medicine for life, not only can make people comfortable, but also can make the day more happy. Life is only one day, every day is new, we do not let yesterday's confused tears affect today's line of sight,  destroy today's beautiful, affect today's mood, life will always have trouble, there will always be pain, we have to learn to see, Look away, don't always think of sad people and things, life is not used to hurt the spring and autumn, but to pursue the good, a person's happiness is not more, but less, for the limited life, acceptance is the best, kindness is yours, is yours, hard work, cherish Over, clear-hearted, the other, on the fate, there is a way is that there should be nothing to live in, life new Shun is Zhu Shi ambition is an instant turn, lover's companion Hemingway once said that everyone needs people and he open and honest talk,
A man may be very brave, but he may also be very lonely.  People live in this world, even if again strong, rich, there is always a fragile time, if there is a person can accompany around, bitter time to listen to you talk, lonely when you give you a hug, lost when giving comfort, is the greatest happiness in life. I remember once walking on the road, suddenly  saw a couple walking hand in hand, both of them are full of white hair, hobbled, but because of each other's help,
It's not that hard to walk. Passing by a flower bed,    the grandmother was attracted by the flowers inside, can't help but stop to watch, and grandpa stood next to him, eyes full of tenderness looked at him, the old lady looked at her husband said, so good-looking flowers, you don't look at me, see a lifetime has not seen enough, grandpa said, you are better than flowers, look at a lifetime, also did not see enough of this life, fortunately have you and rain.
Looking at such a picture, only to understand what is called companionship is the longest confession. As the old saying speaking,    young couples always come to accompany, the older the more will find the old Zhong Yang, especially people to old age, each other dependent on each other for their lives, take care of each other, this kind of companionship is no one can replace, people this life comes and verses, only the old companion is the most important wealth of your life.  Furlong said, life does not need too much companionship, need only a kind of companionship, because of care, so accompany, because of companionship, so cherish. People live a lifetime, there are too many things difficult to give up, but exhausted the pursuit of a lifetime of these, in the end are actually just over the clouds. Mr. Ji said that everyone strives  for a perfect life , but since ancient times and now , there is no 100% perfect life at home and abroad . In this case, it is better to see clearly than to see clearly, regardless of the vicissitudes of the world, the turn of the years, as long as keep these three things with friends to work together. 
18:03 Natural
Monday 2021.03.08
08:43 Shi Xinhongshan Cycle has recovered the information
08:48 Shi Xinhong good cycle United Nations
Declaration of the origin of human life, fertilized egg          cell omnipotent stem cells, universal stem cells, pluripotent stem cells, interstitial stem cells, hematopoietic stem cells are the stars of the disease, the hope of eternal youth, the source of life, the power of life, the seeds of tissue organs, the application of life mother cell science into the field of nutrition, combined with Chinese and Western medicine to form synergies, deepen information transmission and use of targeted technology, comprehensive stimulation, stimulate our regeneration mechanism, nourishing and waking up the whole body of tissue regeneration
08:50  Shi Xinhongshan Cycle The United Nations Health Organization declarations the origin of human life, fertilized egg cell omnipotent stem cells, universal stem cells, omnipotent stem cells,    Interstitial stem cells, hematopoietic stem   cells are the stars of disease, the hope of eternal youth, the source of life, the power of life, the seeds of tissue organs, the application of life mother cell science into the field of nutrition, combined with Chinese and Western medicine to form synergies, deepen information transmission and the use of targeted technology, comprehensive stimulation to stimulate our regeneration mechanism, nourish and wake the body, the whole mother cell tissue tissue of the precise regeneration of natural regeneration anti-aging
09:15    Shi Xinhongshan cycle Human second brain "brain and intestine" is the  body's second largest immune organ of the brain has memory and habits such as   drinking and taking drugs will produce adverse reactions, The brain and intestine axis together constitute three self-disciplined nervous systems, mutual immune system, cytokine, nervous system, lost nerve and intestinal nervous system composition, the two communicate with each other with hormones and nervous system, jointly regulate emotional response, metabolism, immune system, brain development, healthy in-depth quantum information system life structure application of the current maternal cell nutrition in human cells to produce corresponding information, communication and sound light, electrothermal magnetometer deep resonance.   Can effectively repair deep long fluctuations, dissolve chaotic damaged cells, deepen energy, strengthen value-added reconstruction, organize the correct information-driven energy and pragmatic, can normally operate energy essential nutrients, so that the body has enough energy substances, adjust the border repair of the body's abnormal cells, start the pre-maternal cell regeneration mechanism.
ShiXinhongshan cycle Shixin Hongshan cycle  "Daofa natural understanding of the human second brain"  "brain intestinal axis brain and intestine" is the second largest immune organ of the human body has memory and habits such as drinking and drug use will produce adverse reactions, The cerebral intestinal axis together constitutes three self-disciplined nervous systems, mutual immune system, cytokines, nervous system, lost  nerve and intestinal nervous system composition, the two communicate with each other with hormones and nervous system, jointly regulate emotional response, metabolism, immune system, brain development, healthy in-depth quantum information system life structure application of the current maternal cell nutrition in human cells to produce corresponding information, communication and sound light, electrothermal magnetometer deep wavelength resonance feedback  Can effectively repair deep long fluctuations, dissolve chaotic damaged cells, deepen energy, strengthen value-added reconstruction, organize the correct information-driven energy and pragmatic, can normally operate energy necessary natural non-toxic nutrients, so that the body has enough energy materials, adjust the border repair of the body's abnormal cells, activate the potential maternal cell regeneration mechanism.
Source: Dr. Cai Liyun
Does the self-disciplined nerve associated with our emotions belong to the central nervous system or the peripheral nervous system?
The human nervous system is a complex and classy structure. We divide the nervous system into two categories, central and peripheral. The central nervous system (CNS) is the center of command and consists of the brain and spinal cord.  The peripheral       nervous system (PNS) is a nerve tissue outside the central region that is divided into (1)incomingnerves (afferent _arrive CNS): from the periphery to the center, also known as sensory neurons ;(2)outgoing nerves(efferent _exit CNS): from the center to the perimeter, also known as motor neurons.
Outgoing nerves are then subdivided into body and  self-discipline, (1) the somatic nervous system (somatic):  the CNS signal is transmitted to the skeletal muscle, controlled by the will, such as body movement, breathing movement, and (2) the self-disciplined nervous system (autonomic): the CNS signal is transmitted to smooth muscles, glands, heart  muscles, not controlled by the will. Self-discipline nerves are divided into: intersecting nerves, side-sensing nerves, intestinal membrane nerves. Both the body and the self-regulatory nervous system have incoming neurons that provide internal and external information to CNS.
The smallest unit of the nervous system, neurons (neurons).
Nerve cells, also known as neurons,   account for 10% of the nervoussystem and are responsible forreceiving, analyzing, integrating, and transmitting information, all of which contain:
(1) Cell body, which is thenuclealityof thecell, allows neurons to integrate information and send messages.
(2) Adendrites isa group of tree-like protrusions emitted by the cell ontological body, eachneuron can have hundreds of dendrites.  The tree language connects to other neurons and receives messages sent to the cell body of the nerve.
(3) Axon, the  synapse (synapse)that sends nerve information from the cell ontological body to theend. Most axons are covered with a layer of fatty substances,  called myelin,which are then wrapped in connective tissue outside myelin, a structurethat accelerates the transmission of neural messages.
The two neurons are linked by synapses (synapse),  and the front neurons release neurotransmitter to  the neurons behind them, and the neurons transmit messages through neurotransmitter. 
Are the sensing nerves and the side-sensing nerves coming out of the brain?
When it comes to the structure of self-discipline nerves, we need to know how self-discipline nerves are transmitted first. The somatic nerve transmits the message in the form of a single neuron, while the self-disciplined nerve transmits the message in a way that is transmitted back and forth between the two neurons. The preceding neurons are called Preganglionic neurons :   their cellular position is in the brain or spinal cord,  and myelinated is not susceptible to leakage, so nerve signals are transmitted more quickly. The neurons behind them are called postganglionic neurons ( post-sectional neurons  ):     the cells and synapses of neurons are located in the nerve section because they do not have a myelinated nerve signal conduction is slower.
Anatomy of sympathetic division
The pre-thoracic neurons of the intersecting nerve originate from the first thoracic spinal cord (T1)    to the second lumbar spinal cord (L2), so called Thoracolumbar   (chest-waist origin).
Some pre-sectional neurons    need to be linked to post-section       neurons by synapses (synapses)  on the intersecting nerve; The transfer pattern of the intersecting nerve is a one-to-many (neuronal divergence),  and it is currently known that a pre-sectional neuron can correspond to about 20 post-section neurons. As a result, the signals of the hub pass through the sensory nerves and spread to many organs.
Anatomy of parasympathetic division
The precisteural neurons of the adcissory   nerves start from the 3rd, 7th,    9th,10th pairs of the brain nerve nucleus and the 2nd,3rd, 4th recommended spinal cord, so craniosacral (craniofacral  origin). The mode of transmission of the sub-intersectional nerve also belongs to one-to-many (neuronal divergence),  and it is now known that a pre-sectional neuron can correspond to about 4 post-sectional neurons, which is much less than the intersecting nerve. Therefore, the signal transmission of the sub-intersectional nerve is more specific than that of the intersecting nerve.
A comparative table of the neuro-effects of the interscourse nerve and the http://eurekatech.com.tw/wp-content/uploads/ of  the effects of the cross-sensory nerve and the cross-.jpg
Are the self-discipline nerves above the heart, why the opposite effect?
The distribution of sensory nerves is almost all over the heart, dominating the heart's conduction and contraction systems. The adcipathic nerve  (the  lost nerve)  dominates the conduction system of the sinus chamber knot (SAN) and the chamber knot (AVN).  The sensory nerve excitement can cause the heart to beat faster, blood vessels to contract, and blood pressure to rise. Sub-intersectional nerve excitement can cause the heart rate to slow down.
There is a high degree of speciality in the relationship between neurotransictors and receptors  on the membrane of myocardial cells, just like locks and keys (lock key theory,Lock andKey Theory). The acoustic nerve secretes orthophrine; Therefore, the sensory nerve and the sub-sensory nerve on the heart of the receiver is also different, further physiological response of course will be different.
The difference between pre- and post-festival is very large
1. Johnson, J. O. (2013). Autonomic Nervous System Physiology. 208-217. doi:10.1016/b978-1-4377-1679-5.00012-0
2. Karemaker, J. M. (2017). An introduction into autonomic nervous function. Physiol Meas, 38(5), R89-R118. doi:10.1088/1361-6579/aa6782
3. Wehrwein, E. A., Orer, H. S., & Barman, S. M. (2016). Overview of the Anatomy, Physiology, and Pharmacology of the Autonomic Nervous System. Compr Physiol,



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